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Day 3

Today we dove right into ministering to those with downs and special needs. Team Dale went to Bahamas Association of Physically Disabled and Team Jordy went to Bahamas Down's Syndrome home. Team Dale focused on loving on the kids; even if they could not respond - many were mentally "there". We enjoyed wheel chair races (one of the kids' favorites), snack time, a Bible verse, singing worship, and feeding them lunch. It was a basic VBS, and the kids absolutely loved it. It was a blessing to give the staff a break, the kids a type of field trip, and feeling revived from it all.

The pictures you see are from the down's home (no pictures from Team Dale's experience due to the camp's agreement with the BAPD). Team Dale purposefully loved on the needy kids at BAPD; Team Jordy was tackled with love by their (downs) kids! They enjoyed much of the same VBS activities, but with water balloons! As you can see, everyone had a blast!

The teams later met up and debriefed over lunch. Each team got prep the other on what to expect for tomorrow, as they will be switching ministry locations.

After lunch, Pastor Brennan announced that we would be finishing the work projects at the Adventure Learning Center; since our first flight was delayed, our work projects we took off with when we arrived were also pushed back. We worked for a good couple hours (hauling wood, making cement, transferring rubble, and painting the cabins) before heading to a canal to refresh in the water.

Mindy and Tim are the couple that run the Adventure Learning Center. Their purpose is to reach the Bahamian kids, who are not valued in the Bahamas. Every Friday they have a youth camp at their camp across the street, which we had the opportunity to visit. In September of 1993, the Adventure Learning camp was founded. They use nature as a means to preach the Gospel - they have a farm zoo, beautiful landscaping, a pool with a huge water slide, and a planetarium. They demonstrated to us how they use astronomy as a metaphor to present God's love - incredible!

The evening followed with a Bahamian dinner of peas and rice, mack and cheese, BBQ chicken, and fried banana.

Sunset and the time came for Pastor Brennan to lay out the plans for the following day, followed by a camp fire with s'mores! Enjoy the pictures from Day 1 - Day 3!

Cabins we slept in.

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