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Day 9 of Japan Mission - Day 3 Yachiyo Project

Due to the high probability of rain, Don picked the team up from the Airbnb location. On the way to work we saw many in line to catch the bus to work as well as many riding their bikes to the train stations.

In the Yachiyo area, the residents pay to park their bikes at the train stations. Land is at a premium sort of speak since 70% of Japan is mountainous, most of the residents tend to live in the plain areas like Tokyo.

As we continue the Yachiyo Alliance Missions Church project, the kitchen is complete. Having painted, clean stainless steel, install flooring, it was time to remove the kitchen equipment from the sanctuary back to the kitchen

Don vacuuming

Church members have prepared lunch meals during this week of work

Today Naomi, a widow brings lunch. We often asked how did they become a Christian. Naomi became a Christian in Singapore at a Japanese fellowship there. She found the Christians to be very friendly. Naomi is a common name in Japan. Many Japanese do not know the Bible reference to the name Naomi.

The members are very grateful and happy to see the Grace Missions team working on their church building..

After lunch, Kyle continues with flooring for the restroom next to the sanctuary

After Kyle and Kamila completed the first floor restroom, Pastor Nagumo requested Kyle to do the second floor restroom where their is children's ministry. Here is Kyle ripping out the tile

Of course, Dinner was the best!

The sun would set at around 7:00 pm while we have been here in Japan so it was too early to go to bed. Here are the streets of Yachiyo as the team takes an evening walk.

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