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Ukarumpa at last

Sunday, we went to a church service at Bible Translators Association (BTA). They are a national group started by Wycliffe to coordinate translation work of all the organizations involved here in PNG. The service was attended by SIL, YWAM, Lutheran Translators, etc. Heard a great message about how missions work belongs to God. He asks us to join Him in His work, colaborers. He owns it, and He operates it. We need to take time to reflect on our ministry and it's effectiveness. Otherwise we will just be like Martha, hurrying around doing work, but not hearing from God. The Trinity moves together in constant community. So should we. Jesus worked in community with the 3, the 12, and the masses. Teamwork is the missing ingredient for transformation. When workers divide, it is the Suffering (souls) who suffer the most. They all belong to us, should be our frame of mind.

Monday, Left at the crack of dawn to go to the airstrip to catch our single prop Kodiak plane to Ukarumpa. The ~hour long flight took us over vast rainforest jungles with many steep valleys and many whitewater rivers. Ukarumpa, situated at 5,000', is a much cooler tropical climate vs the hot & humid coastal town of Port Moresby.

The van taking us to the guest house bottomed out in a couple of dirt road's deep mud holes. The driver told us as we left the airstrip, this will be a new experience for you, and he was right!

Rob and Betsy took us to the only Ukarumpa store (a general store with a "fast food" place with attached to it called a Kai Bar, "Kai" meaning food). The store will close down Tuesday for two weeks to do inventory (aka "Stock Take"). We're so glad our stores don't operate that way! We spent the rest of the day getting to know some of their world, talking about their home issues, some renter-caused damage, translation work, etc. And we felt an earthquake tremor while there, too! Part of life here.

Tuesday, R&B showed us around the school libraries and classrooms where Betsy works. That evening we met with their prayer group. After sharing a meal and visiting some, we presented gifts to Rob & Betsy and to the rest of the small group members. The small group members were totally surprised that we brought gifts for them as well. They said repeatedly that it was encouraging to have a team come and visit. Some had been on the field 8 and even 17 years without anyone ever coming to visit and share life with them in PNG.

Wednesday, we visited the facilities and offices where Rob works. SIL conducts surveys of language groups to determine what languages to pursue next. An ongoing effort. They also want to avoid working where others are already working. If I understand it right, the Domoru-Koki NT is the 208th NT or full Bible translated in PNG by SIL. And there are many other languages that have translated portions of the Bible.

We planned to go out into Ukarumpa village where the locals live.

Ukarumpa is the SIL community created from nothing 50+ years ago. It is sometimes called "Little America.". Ukarumpa Village grew next door to house some locals who work here and wanted to be closer to work. But Betsy mentioned their gardener is from another village an hour away, and he walks the distance! Anyway, a typical afternoon downpour made the road to Ukarumpa Village impassable, so we had to stay put. On of the Bradshaw's neighbors said, you are getting the full Ukarumpa experience, with plans changed by the weather or other unexpected things.

Ukarumpa's only Kai Bar. Attached to the general store to the left.

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